the (past) adventures
In the early months of 2016 I realized I was "in a rut". I wasn't stoked on what I was doing - a change was necessary. So, in June of 2016 I set out to make my life as interesting and fun as possible. This included living in a tent on Oahu and moving to Colorado at the start of winter. In order to show my friends and family (and create memories for Future Joe) what I was up to, I would create the world's most cliche type of website. The infamous travel blog.
Jump back a few years to when I was a globe trotting bum.
Denver - Colorado
I moved to Denver in the middle of December in 2016. My plan was simple - snowboard as much as possible.
Spoiler alert - I slacked on making videos and posts during this time. There is one.
Oahu - Hawai’i
This is the trip that got me out of my comfort zone and started my wanderings.
The tale begins, somewhat ironically, in Colorado and ends with me leaving the Big Island.