that’s me, joe
a little about me.
I wear board shorts more than I wear real shorts. I’m happiest in a garden, or the ocean - I think they’re tied. I like crunchy snacks.
I love plants. Anywhere I go I’m looking out the window at whats growing. I like finding interesting or hard to find species. Growing them has been a lifelong joy of mine. The only ones I don’t care to grow myself are the ones with spikes - too many self inflicted injuries.
Most people fall into two categories. They don’t notice bugs or they think bugs are nasty. I fall into a rare category of humanity that finds them quite interesting.
Swimming is probably my favorite activity. It’s a chance to fly like superman and visit an alien world. I love laying on the bottom and watching all the super weird benthic life do it’s thing. Does that still count as swimming?
I am inclined to looking at the minutiae in the world. Doesn’t everyone carry a jewelers loupe to look at flower anatomy or tufts of moss?
I love books, always have. If you’re interested in checking out some of my favorites click this.
photos of me
My lovely wife Meg takes the majority of the pictures and videos of me. Heres a link to her site - megsjpegs